Updated September 24, 2022

This race will be decided on a fundamental question, who will deliver real results for the people of New Mexico. Michelle Garcia Holmes is too extreme and dangerous to serve. Voters should see and hear Michelle Garcia Holmes’s dangerous positions on abortion in her own words.

Voters need to see TV ads on Albuquerque broadcast, cable, and OTT/CTV that:

  • With the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, Michelle Garcia Holmes wants to ban all abortions nationwide, even in cases of rape and incest and when the pregnant woman's life is at risk. She even said that “my body my choice” is “disgusting” and has repeatedly protested women outside of the doctor’s office. Garcia Holmes is a threat to New Mexicans’ health and safety.

Voters who care about the environment need to see digital ads about:

  • Melanie Stanbury passed a law that will lower energy costs, create good-paying jobs for New Mexicans, and fight inflation. In stark contrast, Michelle Garcia Holmes opposed this law – because she stands with her MAGA ringleaders in Washington, not us.

Additional resources:


  • Voters should see and hear Michelle Garcia Holmes’s dangerous positions on abortion in her own words.